At Hot Leather Jacket, we believe in putting our customers first. That's why we offer free worldwide shipping on all orders. Unlike other websites that charge additional shipping fees, we want to make your shopping experience hassle-free by eliminating those extra costs. Whether you choose a small or large item, rest assured that shipping is on us.

Shipping Restrictions:

While our focus is on serving a global clientele, there are certain countries that we are unable to ship to due to compliance with international laws and sanctions. These countries are listed in the OFAC nations. Additionally, please note that we do not ship to Israel under any circumstances.

Flexible Payment Options:

To provide you with convenience and security, we accept payments from Discover, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. When making a purchase, rest assured that we prioritize the safety of your payment details. Our website is secured with SSL certification, ensuring a safe and protected platform. Please note that we do not accept checks or cash as forms of payment, and credit cards and PayPal are the only accepted modes of payment.

Order Acceptance or Rejection:

At Hot Leather Jacket, we reserve the right to approve or decline your order in specific circumstances. When placing an order on our website, it is important to provide accurate and necessary information for order processing. We may contact you for additional details or clarification before approving your order.

User Accounts and Privacy:

Registered customers at Hot Leather Jacket are required to adhere to our guidelines and terms of service. We value your privacy and take measures to ensure the security of your account information. Please review our privacy policy for a detailed understanding of how we handle and protect your personal data.

At Hot Leather Jacket, we strive to provide you with an exceptional shopping experience, from hassle-free shipping to secure payment options. We appreciate your trust in us and are committed to meeting your needs. If you have any questions or concerns regarding shipping, payment, or account management, please feel free to contact our customer support team.